My daughter is interested in joining a Girl Scout girl scout troop 
within the La Canada Service Unit,  how do I find a troop to join?

Contact your daughter’s school Troop Organizer. They are responsible for placing  girls in existing troops (space permitting) or assisting parents with forming new troops. If you're unsure of the Troop Organizer for your school, send an email to: and we'll get you in contact with your school's organizer.

When are new troops formed? 

A new troop can be formed at any time; however, most of the time, new troops are formed during the first part of  the girl’s kindergarten year. Parents are encouraged contact the Troop Organizer via 
email over the summer and to attend the site’s  first day of school PTA meeting.  The school’s Troop Organizer, or other Girl Scout representative, will be there for parents to obtain information and sign-up to learn more. 

Who will be my daughter’s leader? 

Girl Scout troops are lead 100% by volunteers. In most cases, one or more parents step forward to lead a troop.

​How many girls may join a troop?

The number of girls in any troop varies depending upon the troop leader. A troop consists of a minimum of 5 girls. The maximum is up to the leader; however, we don't recommend more than 12 girls 
per troop in order for the girls to really get the most out of Scouting and to insure that volunteer leaders have a manageable amount of girls in their troops.. 

​There are 20 girls that want to join Scouts and only one mom willing to be a leader. What happens?

Because Scouts are led by volunteers, we cannot “make” a leader take on more girls than he/she feels comfortable leading. To the best of LCF Girl Scout ability, we place girls in troops based on a first come, first served basis, based upon the date the parent has contacted the Troop Organizer after allowing places for the daughter(s) of the Troop Leader and those of other families who will be supporting that leader in positions such as Treasurer, Cookie Chair, Co-Leader, Registration Chair, etc. Therefore, those girls whose parents signed them up first have priority. Those girls that are beyond the Troop size cut-off will be placed on a wait list and the parents of the remaining girls will be encouraged to form additional troops.  The goal is for every Daisy-Junior troop to have 12 girls, and every Cadette-Ambassador troop to have 10 girls. If you are unable to take more girls into your troop at this time but are currently less than the recommended minimum shown above, complete the Opt Out Request eForm at the link below:

​My daughter went to preschool with several girls and we want to form our own troop. Can we?

We do our best to assist parents to form troops that will last throughout their daughter’s primary education and of course, it is always fun to keep those friendships formed in preschool.  However, to make sure no girl is left out, we do ask leaders to adhere to the first come, first served policy of the Service Unit. 

What is the time and financial commitment involved in Scouting?  

Each troop is different in when and how often they meet, how often they meet, 
and what activities they wish to pursue. The decisions on the troop program are 
made by the leader in consultation with his/her troop parents. Typically troops 
meet 1-2 month, and participate in Service Unit or Council activities during the school year. As girls get older (usually around 3rd grade) leaders explore camping or other overnight activities. Girl Scouts has a complete program for leaders that stresses developing leadership skills in girls. The financial commitment varies by troop, but includes annual registration dues to Council, Troop dues, and the purchase of uniforms and other supplies. Troops also need the support of parents in terms of attending and helping at meetings and activities and by supporting the Leader in various chair positions (Cookies, Treasurer, etc.). 

The goal is for every Daisy-Junior troop to have 12 girls,

and every Cadette-Ambassador troop to have 10 girls.

If you are unable to take more girls into your troop at this time but are currently less than the recommended minimum shown above, complete the Opt Out Request eForm at the link below:

To learn more, please contact your Troop Organizer. 
Thank you for your interest in Scouts! 

Troop Organization FAQS

Girl Scouts

La Canada Flintridge

The Resource for Leaders & Scouts